How To : Care for Your Human Hair Wig

Wigs can be a big part of your everyday life, therefore the care that goes into them matters. Just like any delicate item, a wig can easily get damaged, whether it be from the heat you use to style the wig or the way in which it’s stored.

You need to look after your wig, just as you would look after your own, biological hair. If you’re looking to maintain your wigs initial volume and bounce, consider treating it correctly: learn how to store the wig properly, use suitable products and treat it like your own.

Here are our 5 top tips when caring for your human hair wig:

1. Forget the Heat

Yes, human hair wigs are far more durable then fibre wigs when it comes to dealing with heat, however, just like with biological hair, heat can still cause real problems. The hair strands on your Wig don’t generate the natural oils that bio hair does and therefore your wig will lack moisture. This means there’s a potential for the wig to dry out a lot easier, especially with the added heat.

Try to avoid using heat over the summer months for maximum longevity and carefully read the instructions. For optimal care for your human hair wig, wig shampoos and balms are a great way to avoid your wig becoming totally dried out and damaged.

2. Store your Wig Correctly

It’s very easy to just leave your wig on the side after a long busy day. However, considering where you place your wig, when not in use, could lengthen its lifetime tremendously. More often than not, people own multiple wigs that all need a little TLC so it’s good for peace of mind to keep your wigs stored in one place, safe and organised.

A big no is sleeping with your wig on! No matter how tired you are when you get home, your human hair wig needs to be kept away from your pillow and stored correctly elsewhere.

Your stored wigs should also be away from direct sunlight, dust and heat. Your best bet is a closet, where your wig(s) can rest safely with nothing in the way causing harm. They cannot be put back in their original box, like synthetic wigs, as you need to obtain their bounce and natural character.

Wig stands are a great option for short term storage. They’re great for a quick change, if you’re wanting to change wigs or simply just leaving it out ready for the next morning’s use.

Be sure not to store your wigs for long periods of time without washing away styling products used. This can damage the wig and be a pain to recover.

3. Use the Correct Products!

Using correct wig care products on your human hair wig is essential to maintaining a full-bodied and lush wig. Regular shampoos and conditioners have a large amount of chemicals that can damage wigs and therefore they should be avoided. Use wig shampoos and conditioners that are optimal for your wigs general health, keeping the wig smooth and protected.

If you tend to wear your wig every day, a thorough wash 1 to 3 times per week is sufficient. Use lukewarm water and be sure to get through all areas of the wig. For more information, read our guide on how to wash a human hair wig.

When it comes to brushing the wig, avoid damaging the strands. After all, the hair doesn’t have a scalp to connect to. When combing out the knots, be gentle. Alternatively, leaving the wig to air-dry is a perfectly suitable option as this avoids brushing through the wig and causes less damage.

4. Get it styled with Professionals

Professionals know what they’re doing. After you’ve invested in your human hair wig, the last thing you’d want is to ruin its shape. Once a wig has been cut and styled, there’s no growing back, so get it done properly before you have any regrets.

The experts will guide you on the best styles for your human hair wig, offering advice on what’s most suited to your face shape. It would be more beneficial to request a stylist with wig experience, advising you optimally on products best for your wig.

You may even be able to recreate the salon look at home after a little training from the stylist, applying their knowledge on the rest of your wigs.

5. Human Hair wigs Vs Fibre Wigs

Human hair wigs and Fibre wigs have very different traits and characteristics which means the care and attention required needs to be considered. Human hair wigs can be largely relatable to a natural full head of bio hair, whereas fibre hair need specific products which cannot be used on a human hair wig. Fibre wigs never create the same effect that human hair wigs do.

Human hair wigs have a more natural look and feel, with a soft shine fibre wigs simply cannot replicate. They do require a far greater amount of time and effort spent on them however they’re always the more durable, trustworthy option; they have a higher resistance to heat, they tangle less and hardly ever melt. Whereas synthetic wigs are made of plastic and can break more easily.

Once you’ve found your perfect human hair wig collection, with the correct care, you’ll keep it looking better for longer.

Get in Contact with Josephs Wigs

Why not take a look at our fantastic range of human hair wigs. Our wigs come in a wide variety of styles, colours and designs from selected top designers.

If you’d like help in finding your perfect human hair wig book an appointment with our friendly expert team who will be happy to help. Call us today on 020 8548 5541 or email us, and we’ll help you find the perfect human hair wig.

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Care Advice

VAT Exemption is available at Joseph’s Wigs to all clients who wear wigs for necessity reasons

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